
Unknown Custom Element: - Did You Register The Component Correctly?


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Vue components for d2b charts.

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License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

JavaScript 27.75% Vue 66.55% TypeScript 5.70%

vue-d2b's Introduction


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kevinwarne avatar

vue-d2b's Issues


I noticed that the main d2b project is licensed nether the BSD 3-clause, but noticed this repo has no licensing information. Is information technology condom to assume that you mean to have this vue wrapper licensed in the aforementioned estate? Is that something that could be added to this parcel?

How do I pass additional data to the tooltip in a sankey diagram?

I am trying to display some extra info per node and per link through the tooltip. I am unable to figure out how to do this. Here is what I've tried:

                  chartConfig(chart) {                 chart.tooltip().html(part(d) {                     panel.log('hello');                     render (d.key);                 });                  chart                     .sankey()                     .sankey()                     .nodePadding(100)                  chart                     .sankey()                     .nodeDraggableY(true)   }                                  

But it says that chart.tooltip() is not a part. How do you pass some custom data to the tooltip here?. Any help with this would be keen.

Error: <g> attribute transform

Hullo, thanks for your work!

I created pie-nautical chart and sometimes when I click on the legend, an fault appears:
Error: attribute transform: Expected number, "translate(NaN,NaN) rotate(…".

In the instance ( this tin besides be done.
You lot merely need to click quickly on legends "arc1" and "arc2" in rotation and get into the blitheness time.

If I use my data error appears more ofttimes and easier. I just click on the fable and sometimes I run into information technology.
Instance data:
label:"In work",
Function "chartConfig" is default like

How to make values fixed in y-axis in chart axis?

I tried setting the tickValues, but the highest number in my chart is still the maximum value. For example, I set the tickValues to [0, 100], but the information = [0, 25, 75], the chart is still merely up to 75 rather than to 100.

SSR upshot with the ChartPie

I am using vue-d2b for my project to show the PieChart. I my plugin folder i am loading the code is

                  import Vue from 'vue'  //import { ChartPie } from 'vue-d2b'    var Vued2b = require('vue-d2b');   Vue.use(Vued2b);                                  

I already registered my plugin also in nuxt.config.js like

                                      {src:'~/plugins/vue-d2b', ssr: false },                                  

But i am still facing the issue of " Unknown custom chemical element: - did you annals the component correctly" in the console.
Any proposition for this.

remove axis-chart'southward intermediate points

In the example chart in that location are intermediate points.
Site page: []
Your points:

                  {x: i, y: 25}, {10: 2, y: 38}, <...>                                  

Simply the chart also displays indicate x: 1.5 and others.
This happens, the value of ten points can be reduced to a number.
How tin can I remove these intermediate points?

Sankey tooltip error

I've copied the component from simply I'm having an erro:

TypeError: tooltipUpdate.transition is not a office[Learn More than]

I'm using "vue-d2b": "^2.0.0-beta.3",

Is it possible to add formatting to the node proper noun every bit well (such a going to a new line, add Padding , colors. etc.)?

chartData: {
nodes: [
{proper noun: 'Node A',},
{name: 'Node B'},
{name: 'Node C'},
{name: 'Node D'},
{proper name: 'Node E'},

Transition mistake

When i select/unselect something from legend i have an mistake :
TypeError: graphUpdate.transition is not a function

How can i fix this problem ?

Responsive nautical chart

Hi, sorry to write this as an issue I just don't know how else to contact you.

I tin't effigy out how to make the chart responsive to the width of the parent element. I am creating an centrality chart and the chart is always any fix width I prepare it to, only responsive widths like 100% don't work.

I know its possible considering the axis chart demo on does exactly what I'one thousand looking for, but I can't seem to find the implementation in the documents.

Please help, give thanks yous.

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